In 2013 I began photographing children and teens with disabilities, particularly those on the autism spectrum, in the Homestead Pool Adapted Recreation & Inclusion swimming classes.
A recent public arts project, Rockin the Spectrum, is a mix of documentary and abstracted imagery portraying the struggles and joy experienced by these students and their instructors as they navigate the underwater environment while learning to swim and to trust those who guide them. These portraits were awarded a NC State Arts and Humanities award for the Public Arts Commission project “Into The Streets,” a series of impressionistic images from the project and are permanently installed at the Homestead Aquatic Center.
Homestead Pool Adapted Recreation & Inclusion swimming classes
Public Arts Advocacy Interview
As outreach coordinator with the FRANK Gallery, we have created Diversabilities, a collaborative partnership with community organizations to provide art exhibitions, performances, workshops, and seminars during April Autism Awareness month.
Current Partnerships:
Autism Awareness at FRANK Gallery
Greensboro infocus photography programs
Carolina Institute for Developmental Disabilities
Adapted Recreation programs of Chapel Hill.